____________________________ Creative & Sensory
We believe that participation in the creative arts should be an integral part of every pupil’s school experience.
As part of the Area of Development – Creative and Sensory, we endeavour to provide our pupils with rich and varied learning opportunities in music, dance and art, using a cross curricular approach as well as offering subject specific lessons.
Creative arts bring together intellect and feeling and enable personal expression, reflection and emotional development. We enable pupils to develop creativity at their own level in a varied and broad range of relevant contexts for example, the home and school, gardens and playgrounds, the local community and the wider environment and provide opportunities to promote a sense of personal and group identity. Individual responses and diversity are celebrated as there is no “right” or “wrong” way to be creative. Through the use of paint, materials, music, dance… pupils learn to express their ideas, feelings and preferences.
Within this Area of Devlopment, we focus very much on how our young people process the world around them. Our staff through the pupils’ individual Development Profile have a clear view of the way each pupil is seeing their environment, what they are seeking, and what they are over-stimulated by. Having this information is vital to help pupils engage into learning and be motivated for longer periods of time. Once the pupils’ sensory needs have been addressed, we can build in these vital elements within their school day. For example, if a young person especially seeks movement and vestibular stimulation, regular movement breaks can be built into their schedule, using these breaks to support learning, and so maintain concentration levels. Activities throughout pupils’ school day are tailored to their learning style and sensory needs, thus encouraging participation in the breadth of the curriculum.