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There are many ways that your child can access learning at home. Children in Years 2,3 and 4 all have individual log-in details for Times Tables Rock Stars and now NumBots, which should be accessed at home each day. Year 1 children will shortly be receiving a log-in for NumBots too. Your child will also have a reading book in their bags which they should also be reading with an adult at home each day. Other ideas for home learning activities can include writing a book review about the book your child has been reading, writing an alternative ending to the book, a character description of the main character or even write a poem based on the book they have read. Please also ensure you use the links we have provided, in particular White Rose Maths.

Please feel free to click on any of the links below to access learning resources that can be used at home:

Switcheroo Zoo

Watch listen and play games to learn about animals.

Fun Brain

Maths and Reading skills.

National Geographic for Kids

Learn about geography.

Into the Book

Play games that practice reading strategies.

Star Fall

Practice reading skills


Practice Maths and reading skills.

Highlight Kids

Play science games.

BBC Bitesize

Learning resources for all subjects.

Woodlands Junior School

Learning for all different topics.


Home learning packs. Enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS to access extra free resources.

Oxford Owl

Free e-books.

TTS Resources

Key Stage Learning packs.

Phonics Play

Phonics games. Enter code MARCH20to access free resources.

A Life

Physical activities for the whole family.

Lego activities

Fine motor skills activities

White Rose Maths

Home learning packs for Maths.